FOUNDATIONS of Our Christian Faith
FOUNDATIONS of Our Christian Faith
Lead Coordinator - Rev. Layne Fields
Instructors: Min. Herman Griffiths
Min. Gretchen Schofield
Min. Barbara Thomas
May 2009 Commencement
May 2009 Commencement
Fall Quarter Series
Schedule of Classes
September 20th (SUN) & September 23rd (WED) 1. Why do we believe the Bible?
September 27th & September 30th 2. Who is God?
October 4th & October 7th 3. Who is Jesus?
October 11th & October 14th 4. Who is the Holy Spirit?
October 18th & October 21st 5. What is the Trinity?
October 25th & October 28th 6. Why do we believe in the Resurrection?
November 1st & November 4th 7. What is Salvation?
November 8th & November 11th 8. Why do we Baptize?
November 15th & November 18th 9. Why do we take the Lord's Supper?
November 22nd & November 25th 10. What is the Church?
** Sunday, November 29th - Foundations Graduation Ceremony - 9am **