New Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
A Family of Encouragers

Pastor's Corner

Reverend Dexter O. Rowland
Reverend Rowland is a native of Atlanta, and the son of Mr. Joe Delay and Mrs. Lula Rowland. He has one sister, Ms. Tracy Perrin.
In 1982, he married Sonya Rowland and together they have two daughters, and one son.
Reverend Rowland attended local schools and in 1980 earned a Bachelor’s Degree in electrical engineering from Georgia Tech and in 1988 earned a Masters of Business Administration from Mercer University.
The Lord touched his heart and in 1990 led him to spread HIS word. He was ordained in 1994 and in 1998 graduated Cum Laude from Emory University with a Masters of Divinity. In November of 2000, he was called to pastor the New Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Decatur, GA.
His significant achievements include completion of the Executive Program Management Development at the Harvard Business School, induction into the Georgia Tech Athletic Hall of Fame in 1985 and a 1995-1998 Emory University Woodruff Fellow.
A man with a vision, Pastor Rowland is totally submissive to the Lord’s will. He finds his greatest comfort in the words found in the 23RD book of Psalms.